
When to Aerate Your Lawn

Oct 09, 2023

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In the world of lawn care, there's no shortage of advice, tips, and tricks to keep your grass looking lush and green. One topic that often sparks curiosity and confusion is aeration. To shed some light on this essential lawn care practice, we turn to a seasoned pro who shares insights, experiences, and a hands-on demonstration of aeration in action - How To With Doc on Youtube.

When to Aerate:

Our expert begins by addressing the crucial question of when to aerate your lawn. He emphasizes that the best time to aerate is when your lawn is at its peak, beautifully green, and actively growing. This usually means waiting until after the dormant phase and a few mowings during the growing season. Aerating during this period, when the grass is short, makes the process more effective.

Debunking Pre-Emergent Concerns:

Our expert dispels the common myth that aeration interferes with pre-emergent treatments. He cites university studies and experts who confirm that the small percentage of ground opened up during aeration won't affect the effectiveness of pre-emergent applications. So, there's no need to worry about this aspect of lawn care.

To Pick Up or Not to Pick Up Plugs:

One of the contentious debates in aeration is whether to pick up the plugs or leave them on the lawn. Our expert firmly stands on the side of picking up the cores, especially for Bermuda grass. He explains how these cores can become problematic "silver dollars" if left on the lawn, causing yellowing and damage. So, his advice is clear: pick up those cores!

Nutrient Return Myth:

Our lawn care enthusiast dispels another common misconception: the idea that leaving the cores on the lawn returns nutrients to the soil. He stresses that if you want to fertilize your lawn, do so with the appropriate fertilizer. Leaving the cores out can counterproductively fill the holes you've just created during aeration, preventing the soil from breathing and expanding.

The Green Spike:

Our expert introduces the concept of spike aeration, which he used on his lawn. Spike aeration is typically employed on greens, not lawns, but he finds it beneficial for his grass. This process involves creating thousands of tiny holes that improve oxygen and moisture intake. It's an excellent way to keep your lawn healthy and open, and it's something our expert plans to incorporate more often.

Aeration in Action:

To conclude, our expert provides a hands-on demonstration of aeration using his trusty billy goat aerator. He explains the process of switching out spikes and shares some tips on maintaining the equipment. He also stresses the physical toll aeration can take and why he prefers having someone else tackle the exhausting task of sweeping up the plugs.


In the world of lawn care, aeration remains a vital practice for maintaining a healthy, vibrant lawn. Our expert's valuable insights and practical tips provide clarity on when and how to aerate, debunk common myths, and introduce innovative techniques like spike aeration. As the growing season approaches, follow these expert recommendations to keep your lawn looking its best. Remember, a well-aerated lawn is a happy lawn! Landscapers in Chattanooga TN

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