
Five Tips on Improving the Look of Your Yard

Apr 12, 2023

Have you ever looked outside and realized that your lawn looks dull and lifeless? If so, you're not alone. However, the good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make your lawn more vibrant and beautiful. Who knows - you may even inspire the neighbors to step up their game! Here are some top tips to help you out:
1. Water Your Lawn Properly and Regularly
The first step in making your lawn more vibrant is to water it properly and regularly. Most lawns need about one inch of water per week, so make sure to water it accordingly. Have you ever seen a sprinkler system running mid-day or in the evening? They are wasting water! Be sure to water your lawn in the morning, as this allows the water to penetrate the soil before the heat of the day causes it to evaporate. Be sure not to over water your lawn, as this can cause damage. One of the easiest ways to tell is if your shoes are sinking into the ground. You may also notice standing water (puddles), as well as tender grass that uproots easily (if you mow a wet lawn).
2. Fertilize Regularly
Fertilizing your lawn is another critical step in making it more vibrant. Lawn fertilizers are designed to provide the essential nutrients that your lawn needs to thrive. Look for a fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as these are essential for healthy lawn growth. Be sure to read the instructions on the fertilizer you choose, as overfertilization can also cause damage. You can also ask your Chattanooga lawn care professional if they offer fertilization services (we do!). Your provider will put you on a schedule that is tailored to meet the varying needs of your lawn, across the season.
3. Aerate Your Lawn
Aerating your lawn is a process that involves poking small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate. This helps to loosen compacted soil, which can be a significant barrier to water and nutrient absorption. Aeration can be done using a manual or motorized aerator, and it's best to do it during the growing season. Manual aerators start under $60, and a motorized aerator can be purchased for under $200 (electric).
4. Mow Your Lawn Correctly
Mowing your lawn correctly can also help to make it more vibrant. Be sure not to cut your grass too short, as this can stress it and make it more susceptible to disease and pests. Opt for a mower with sharp blades, as dull blades can cause damage to your lawn. We recommend mowing your lawn at a deck height of 3 inches or higher. If you are concerned about it looking overgrown, bag up the clippings. If you go below 3 inches, you may see your grass turn brown in certain areas, particularly where the dirt is uneven and the blades have scraped the ground.
5. Overseed Your Lawn
Overseeding your lawn can also help to make it more vibrant. This process involves spreading seed over your existing lawn to fill in bare or thin spots. Be sure to choose a seed variety that's appropriate for your climate and soil type, and be sure to read the instructions carefully. See our home page for the best types of grass to grow in Tennessee. In conclusion, there are several things you can do to make your lawn more vibrant and beautiful. By following these tips, including proper watering, regular fertilization, aeration, correct mowing, and overseeding, you can have a beautiful, lush lawn that you can be proud of. With a bit of care and attention, you can transform your lawn into an oasis of greenery that enhances the beauty of your home or business.

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